FYI Music Compilation and Movement Instruction Videos

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The FYI Music Compilation and Movement Instruction Videos have all the music you need to get you started right away and learn the exercises properly. Having these tools will make your meditation practice feel so easy.
  • FYI Naam Music Compilation: This customized 9 track playlist contains the music for your meditation practice. Consisting of tracks by Naam Founder, Dr. Joseph Michael Levry, this album will become a trusted friend in your toolbox for self knowledge, happiness, inner peace, and balance.
  • Movement Instruction Videos: A portion of your meditation program includes physical exercise to give you energy, remove blockages and create vibrant health. This streaming video, called Naam Healing Series for Vitality, Health and Beauty will teach you not only how to do the exercises correctly, but also help you understand how they work and the healing benefits of each exercise.  

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