The First 32 Days of 2020 from Dr. Joseph Michael Levry

January 09, 2020

The First 32 Days of 2020 from Dr. Joseph Michael Levry

There is great power in beginnings. Everything we do at the beginning of the year, especially the first 12 and 32 days, will determine what kind of year we have. Both what we do, and how we work with the constructive forces of the universe at this time is extremely important.

There is a practical and universal wisdom contained in the ancient Gnostic symbol known as the Tree of Life, which serves as a mathematical spiritual code, through which we can learn the greater significance of the number 32. As a blueprint for creation, the Tree of Life reveals, to those who understand it, the pathway by which we can ascend to the Divine or Godhead, the topmost sphere of the Tree of Life, and in turn spirit can descend into matter. The number 32 corresponds to the 10 spheres of the Tree of Life, also known as the 10 qualities of our Creator, in addition to the 22 pathways through which these spheres are interconnected. These 22 pathways can be thought of as 22 keys that can be used to resolve any problem in the universe. The 10 spheres of the Tree of Life, plus the 22 pathways, give us the 32 Paths to Wisdom.  Interestingly, the number 32 is a projection of the number 23, an extremely fortunate vibration that promises great success. It not only bestows the promise of success in personal and career endeavors, it also guarantees help from superiors and protection from those in high places. It is indeed a most fortunate number that brings grace and blessings.


Thirty-two reduces to five. The Hand of Hamsa, or “hand of five”, refers to the five fingers of the hand. It is also known as the Hand of Miriam and is synonymous with the hand of God. Five symbolizes protection, power and good fortune. Our hands with their five fingers then, are symbols of luck in themselves. The five fingers of the hand represent the five books of the Torah, and the five upper spheres of the Tree of Life known as Justice, Mercy, Wisdom, Understanding and the Crown. Five also stands for Mercury. In astrology, Mercury harmonizes the energies of all the other planets. Through the grace of Mercury, one can improve his or her karma. 

Together, our two hands represent the ten laws written by the finger of God on two stone tablets and given to Moses. These ten laws of the Creator also correspond to the ten spheres of the Tree of Life. Deuteronomy 9:10 reads: “The LORD gave me two stone tablets inscribed by the finger of God. On them were all the commandments the LORD proclaimed to you on the mountain out of the fire, on the day of the assembly.” Our hands symbolize the pentagram or five-pointed star; a symbol of a health and longevity whose rejuvenating and life-giving benefits cannot be overemphasized.


To sow the seeds of positive beginnings during the first 32 days of the year is to take part in the co-creative right that you carry inside yourself as a son or daughter of the Divine. This is the most auspicious time to open our Soul to Divine Power so that we may attract healing and positive vibrations into all our affairs. It is the best time for us to work with the laws of the cosmos, and to communicate with the positive forces of nature so as to awaken the creative healing forces within us. This is the most powerful time for you to set the intention for how your personal 2020 chapter will play out. The beginning of the year is a very auspicious time and opportunity to clock our energies with time and space, by defining the essences of all celestial planetary bodies that we are made of so as to make life brighter, more successful and more progressive. These are the most fortuitous days to call upon a higher power to provide us with the necessary velocity and strength to rise and embrace a new level of consciousness. With this extraordinary Divine Spiritual Wisdom, we are attuning ourselves with the universe by harmonizing and aligning ourselves with the natural and spiritual laws of the cosmos. As a result, we are enlivened by the purifying, vitalizing, and healing forces of the universe and we can invoke heavenly help in whatever we wish to accomplish. This work allows us to attract and radiate positive, uplifting vibrations. This is simply the best time to awaken our psychic awareness while receiving a variety of health benefits. These first days of the year are the best time to recharge your entire body, and to remove toxins and blockages as your awareness of your spiritual self becomes active. 

As we move into 2020 and into every new year, it is important to synchronize our energy with the longitude and latitude of time and space, so that with the blessing and protection of heaven, we may move gracefully through this year and coming years. The ancient and wise mystics knew that the greatest secret to manifesting an auspicious year is to work intelligently with the first 12 and 32 days of the year. Every day is a page in the book of your life, and every year is a chapter in that book. Every year is determined by the way in which we begin our first days. Let us vibrate Naam so that we may inscribe all of 2020, and the beginning of each new year with sacred prayers, filling each day with adoration and blessings.

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